

Visually impaired parents can face more obstacles in child rearing than non-disabled parents since visually impaired parents cannot see where their child is or what their child is doing. Such difficulties get intensified when it comes to prevention of domestic accidents. Thus, this research paper aims to create a system, based on OpenCV and ar-marker, that can allow visually impaired parents to set the dangerous area and get notified whenever their baby is moving inside it. Additionally, this research conducts several experiments to find out the most effective model for the above system.


BabyCatch Prototype Version.

BabyCatch Prototype Version.

BabyCatch System Mechanism

BabyCatch System Mechanism

Invited Speaker at the Seoul Youth Forum 2020. I'm the person in a sky-blue t-shirt.

Invited Speaker at the Seoul Youth Forum 2020. I'm the person in a sky-blue t-shirt.


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Seoul Youth Forum Article (Korean)

'AI로 청각장애인 일상 생활 도와...기술에 의미를 부여했죠'